A nutritionist and ‘youtuber’ explains what are the 10 most common bad mistakes when starting this type of diet.

Although the Mediterranean diet continues to occupy the first place in the type of healthiest diet according to the experts, intermittent fasting also holds another record: it is the way of eating that has been more fashionable for a couple of years. Many celebrities claim that this combination of fasting periods with other feeding periods is the secret to maintaining an ideal weight . Elsa Pataky is one of the actresses who successfully follows this method  and Gisele Bündchen has also revealed that she has been waiting 12 hours or more from dinner to breakfast the next day . Although one of the biggest attractions of this method is thatIt does not restrict food during the period in which you can eat, there are some very common mistakes that interfere with your goal of losing weight . This  nutrition expert youtuber explains what they are in a video that already has more than a million views.

“I love intermittent fasting. It has helped me and my clients achieve our goals, but there are definitely many ways to do it wrong . ” Autumn Bates is a nutritionist who accumulates hundreds of subscribers on her online platform . In addition to talking about the best recipes for reducing abdominal fat , she has also listed what are the mistakes that can make the method backfire. If we warned you a month ago that carbohydrates and refined sugars should be reduced if you dare with the intermmitent fastingNow you are going to discover other precautions that you should take into account before starting. As a preview, Bates agrees that carbohydrates must be consumed with head.

1. Not drinking enough water: “It is crucial because when you are in your fasting period you are not eating anything and part of our water intake comes from food,” explains Autumn. To combat this state of dehydration, the expert advises drinking from the time you wake up and advises that coffee does not work as a substitute for the liquid, on the contrary, it increases the problem.
2. Start too fast: If you have never followed a method like this, you eat every two hours and come from a not too healthy eating plan, it is important that you make the transition little by little. “It is perfect that you do it one day yes and one no and increase the fasting time at a slow pace.”
3. Do not ingest electrolytes:Sodium, potassium or calcium are some of these substances that are naturally present in the body, but are also obtained through food and drink. Bates advises that just like drinking water in the morning, you should also make sure that you receive electrolytes that keep you healthy and help your body stay hydrated.
4. Eat little: “If you don’t eat enough, you will never be able to turn off the hormone that causes the feeling of hunger (ghrelin) and you will be hungry all day.” This restrictive attitude not only does not help neither burn fat nor lose weight, it makes the fasting period very difficult.
5. Follow a high carbohydrate diet:“Even if it’s from a comprehensive carbohydrate source, you’re going to have higher insulin levels.” This interferes with some of the purposes of intermittent fasting: for the body to optimize its fat burning mechanism and for the metabolism to rebalance.

6. Eat little breakfast: It is well known that ‘fit’ girls prepare nutrient-dense dishes as soon as they wake up, a habit that Autumn Bates wants you to introduce into your life. Not giving your body food after the fasting hours causes it to think that it is starving and want to store fat. In the case of intermittent fasting, starvation is not advisable.
7. Take collagen supplements with coffee:  This type of substance is an amino acid and can be digested as sugar, a process called glycogenogenesis. The result is an insulin spike with which you can stimulate the hunger hormone. Autumn advises that there is no problem taking it with water or a smoothie a little later.
8. Be adamant: “The key to any lifestyle is precisely how it fits in with your lifestyle,” says the nutritionist. Being uncompromising with the hours you have to fast is not only not realistic, but not sustainable over time. So it is important to move the fasting strip if you need to without feeling guilty or thinking that you are doing it wrong.
9. Drinking alcohol during the fast: Just because it is a liquid does not mean that it does not break the fast. Furthermore, depending on the type, it can provide a large number of empty calories and no interesting nutrient for the body.
10. Little sleep:“When you don’t get enough rest, your body doesn’t have time to recover from the day before. This translates to an increase in your cortisol (stress hormone) levels and your ghrelin levels the next day.” The result? Your exhausted ‘me’ will try to make up for that lack of energy through food and it will be more difficult for you to make healthy choices.